AIM Rule 26

The following information is disclosed in accordance with Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies. The information contained in the AIM Rule 26 page of this website was last updated on 25 April 2024.

Description of business

The business carried on by the Company is described on the Introduction page of this website.

Director details

The Directors and summary biographies of each can be found on the Board of Directors page of this website.

Country of incorporation and operations

The Company was incorporated in Australia, and undertakes exploration activities. The Company’s main country of operation is Namibia.

Shareholder rights and UK city code on takeovers and mergers

UK shareholders should note that the rights of shareholders of a UK incorporated company may differ from those of an Australian incorporated company. The Company is not subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers, but is subject to the Australian Corporations Act.

Corporate governance

The Company has adopted the QCA Corporate Governance Code. Information on the Company’s Corporate Governance policies are detailed on the Governance page of this website.

Constitutional information

The Company’s Constitution adopted by shareholders in a general meeting dated 26 November 2008 is located on the Corporate documents page of this website.

Admission documents

The Company’s AIM Admission documents are located on the Corporate documents page of this website.

Exchange information

The Company is listed on AIM under the code GBP.

Capital structure and significant shareholders

The Company’s capital structure and details on its significant shareholders on the Share price information page.

Restrictions of the transfer of securities

The Company advises that there are no restrictions on the transfer of its AIM securities.

Financial reports

The Company’s Annual Reports and Half Yearly Reports are located on the Results and reports page of this website.


As the Company is listed all announcements are released on AIM and are available on the Announcements page of this website.


Details of the Company’s nominated advisor and other advisers are detailed on the Advisers page of this website.