

Global takes its responsibilities seriously and has policies in place that reflect the standards of industry best practise expected for a Company of its size. The Company’s Code of Business Conduct (“Code”) sets out our commitment to do business in a fair way where we treat everyone – employees, contractors, partners, local communities and the environment with honesty, integrity and respect.

Our Approach


Global conducts its operations in a safe and environmentally responsible manner to the highest industry standards. The Company complies with the legislation of each country in which it operates.

Health & Safety

The health and safety of Global employees, contractors, partners and the general public is of paramount importance to the Company. It is committed to providing a safe working environment for employees and those working on behalf of the Company.

Security & Human Rights

Global is committed to providing a safe and secure workplace for its employees and contractors. The Company conducts an assessment of the risks associated with each of its areas of operation and following this assessment, appropriate measures are put in place to mitigate the risks.

Business Ethics

Global is committed to maintaining high ethical standards in its business conduct and relationship with all of its stakeholders. Directors, managers, employees and contractors are all expected to conduct themselves with integrity.  All aspects of the Company’s operations must be lawful and safe and conducted in an ethical, honest and fair manner.

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

In accordance with the UK Bribery Act 2010 and its equivalent under the Criminal Code Act 1995 in Australia (“the Acts”), the Company is committed to transparency in its business dealings and will not accept the giving or receiving of bribes or corruption in any form.  The company is committed to comply with the Acts and will enforce the same level of compliance throughout its worldwide operations. This applies to management, employees, contract staff and industry partners working on the Company’s behalf.

Stakeholder Engagement

Global is committed to the open and timely dissemination of information to its shareholders. For full details refer to the ‘Global Petroleum Limited Continuous Disclosure Policy’ in the Governance section.